Lopen Karma Phuntsho is involved in many projects with multimedia outcomes. The following are some of the multimedia sites and pages for which he is the main or an associate creator.
Bodhicitta: Wisdom and Compassion as our Way of Life
Website under progress
Content co-creator. A project of Tsadra Foundation, this website aims to present writings, teachings, audio-visual recordings, and tools associated with the central Mahāyāna topic of Bodhicitta or the thought of awakening. Lopen Karma Phuntsho works with the Tsadra team to create new textual and audio-visual content, translate and edit existing texts, and compile relevant resources. The website is planned to be formally launched in the middle of 2025.
Find it HereBuddha-Nature: Wisdom and Compassion as our True Nature
2020 Website
Content co-creator. This web-resource on Buddha-Nature was developed by Tsadra Foundation. Lopen Karma Phuntsho as a writer-in-digital residence since 2020 has contributed in content creation through writing new texts, improving existing texts, creating transcriptions, timeline, glossary items, audio-visual materials, etc. He also regularly promotes the website through conversations, events and Buddhist scholarly networks.
Find it HereBhutan Cultural Library: A Living Archive of Bhutan’s Oral and Embodied Cultures
2017 Online Database
Project Director and Content co-creator. This virtual library of Bhutan’s oral and intangible cultures is a result of the five year project carried out by Shejun Agency in collaboration with University of Virginia and funded by Arcadia Fund. Lopen Karma Phuntsho directed the projects, authored almost all of the textual and subject sections, supervised the work flow, and also contributed to audio-visual and photographic productions.
Find it HereA Catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts and Block Prints
2007 Online Catalogue
Content creator. This online catalogue of Tibetan and Mongolian books in the major British libraries was a result of the Tibetan-Mongolian Rare Book and Manuscripts Project at Cambridge University from 2004-2007. As the main researcher on the project, Lopen Karma Phuntsho collected the data which were processed using MASTER’s template by Burkhard Quessel of the British Library.
Find it HereThe Loden Foundation
1999 Website and Facebook page
Content co-manager. The website of the Loden Foundation covers the various works and activities of the Loden Foundation. Its contents include the organisational information, some details on the three main programmes of Loden and their beneficiaries and partners, Loden’s impact in figures and stories, numerous publications, and Bhutan Dialogues, a monthly conversation Lopen Karma hosted for five years.
Find it HereCultures of Bhutan – Loden Foundation
2018 Facebook Page
Co-manager and co-creator. This page is intended as a social media platform for sharing textual, audio-visual and photographic outputs of the Loden Culture Programme on a regular basis. It will also contain news and updates regarding culture from the Loden team and also share posts directly relevant to the goals and activities of Loden Culture Programme.
Find it HereLopen Karma Phuntsho
2013 Facebook Page
Co-manager. This facebook is a platform for sharing the works of Lopen Karma Phuntsho on social media. Co-maintained by a team, the page has regular posts related to various projects and activities of Lopen Karma Phuntsho.
Find it HereBuddha Nature Resource
2020 Facebook Page
Main manager. A facebook page created as a supplement to and channel for sharing the content of the comprehensive web-resource on Buddha-Nature developed by Tsadra Foundation, the pages shares content and information on Buddha-Nature and other relevant Buddhist topics and events. The platform shares regular posts on Buddha-Nature.
Find it HereBodhitse Centre
2023 Facebook Page and Website
Co-manager. The website and facebook page for Bodhitse Centre for Study and Contemplation gives information on the events and activities of the centre. It also regularly shares inspirational quotes and writings related to mindfulness, meditation and the cultivation of wisdom and compassion in everyday life.
Find it HereSaang: Ura’s Festival of Women
2022 Documentary
Director. The Saang festival conducted by the young women of Ura every summer celebrates the harmonious relationship between the people of Ura and the forces of their natural surrounding. The young women trek up to the summit of Purshay mountain to invite Ashe Lhamo, a goddess believed to be residing in the mountain. It is a special events in which the girls sing three unique songs of Ura in a dance with the lead dancer beating a drum. The film was produced by Loden Foundation with support from ICHCAP.
Find it HereYaklha: Propitiating the Yak Gods
2023 Documentary
Director. This is a documentary film which captures the vanishing practice of honouring the cattle gods in Ura valley in central Bhutan. Produced from recordings made during successive projects and edited with support from ICHCAP, the films juxtaposes two families observing the festival in the mountains with their animals. The films evokes the close connection Bhutanese farmers have with their animals and the surrounding nature.
Find it HereYakcho: Ura’s Grand Annual Festival
2022 Documentary
Director. A documentary film produced from many years of recording and research, the films presents Yakcho, the grand festival of Ura village in central Bhutan. The five-day festival is a purely village affair but the fifth most popular festival in Bhutan attracting some 500 tourists. The film tells the story of the festival’s beginnings, its procedures, participants, and the role it plays in fostering community solidarity and harmony.
Find it HereRevival: Leveraging Cultural and Scientific Knowledge for Conservation
Project Director. Funded by UNDP Bhutan and administered by the Loden Foundation, this project brought together cultural belief systems, scientific expertise, and local government and community support to help revive the lake in Tali village. The documentary captures the objectives, processes and outcomes of the project.
Find it Here